ZUBAX firmware reupload

HI, how can i reset and reupload the firmware in zubax GNSS2? i changed some parameters in zubax gnss2. so i want to reset the parameter and reupload the firmware for the sake of my project?

so far, i can able to build the firmware for the module. but how i can able to upload it in the module.
i followed the document and forum related stuffs. but still lagging for the procedures.
Any help would be nice…
Thanks in advance…

Please use the scripts linked here:

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Thanks for the reply @pavel-kirienko
Yes. i uploaded the firmware in zubax gnss2 module through flash_via_serial_bootloader.sh script.

Basically, i got some idea from @maksim.drachov and this forum link Zubax GNSS 2.2 Firmware Upgrade Difficulty

Thank you…