Motor Setup - Won't start when on load

I am running a setup using a Komar Controller and a Motres CIAG 100_30.

I followed this guide Yakut CLI tool - Telega v1.0 Reference Manual to configure the controller using the Babel Convertor.
This is the config I used:

  # DRIVE task: run strategy.
  drive.runner.0_ramp.velocity_stall_spinup: [5, 20]

  drive.velocity_ctl.2_indi.acceleration_pi: [50, 0]
  drive.velocity_ctl.2_indi.mass:           1.0e-5        # Use best guess if unknown.
  drive.velocity_ctl.type:                  2

  motor.current_max:                        110.45
  motor.mechanical_ratio:                   12            
  motor.flux_linkage:                       0.004491
  motor.inductance_dq:                      [1.34e-05, 1.34E-05]
  motor.resistance:                         .0051
  motor.current_ramp:                       15000          
  motor.thermistor_v2k:                     [104.47, 71.43, 54.99] 

  vsi.bridge_resistance:                    [0.002, 0.003, 0.002, 0.003, 0.002, 0.002]
  vsi.dc_voltage_gain:                      18.8
  vsi.phase_current_gain:                   [100, 100,  25,  25]
  vsi.phase_current_stderr:                 [0.3, 0.3, 0.2, 0.2]
  vsi.thermistor_v2k:                       [223.15, 100.0, 0.0]
  # Cyphal/CAN parameters.
  uavcan.can.bitrate:                       [1000000, 0]
  uavcan.can.count:                         1             # In this setup we are not using CAN2.
  # Cyphal ports.                         1010                   1011                      1012                1013        1101          1102
  # Aux I/O pin.
  aux.pull:                                 1             # Enable pull-up for the motor thermistor.
  # General parameters.
  sys.debug:                                false         # Debug interfaces shall be disabled in production use.

I drove the motor with a torque request of 100%.
The motor will run fine when no load is applied to the motor →
When load is applied to the motor, it fails to start →

I monitored the current when load is applied and it never spiked over 4A. When the motor is running continuously with no load, the current value is at 10A.

Do you think there is a configuration error?
What do you think could solve this problem?
Any tips to debug the problem?

If I can provide any additional info, please let me know.