Odd, non-standard bit rates are occasionally useful when dealing with networks suffering from a large clock frequency error. The table below contains the full list of all bit rates that can be used with Zubax Babel and Babel-Babel.
zubax-babel-bitrates.tsv (64.2 KB)
The following excerpt shows bit rates above 100 kbit/s (the most commonly used ones):
Bitrate | Sample point location |
100000 | 86.7% |
100840 | 88.2% |
101123 | 75.0% |
101408 | 80.0% |
101694 | 83.3% |
102272 | 87.5% |
102564 | 84.6% |
102857 | 85.7% |
103448 | 83.3% |
104347 | 86.7% |
104651 | 87.5% |
104956 | 85.7% |
105263 | 88.9% |
105571 | 81.8% |
105882 | 88.2% |
106194 | 66.7% |
106508 | 84.6% |
107142 | 87.5% |
107462 | 80.0% |
108108 | 88.9% |
108433 | 75.0% |
109090 | 86.7% |
109422 | 85.7% |
109756 | 87.5% |
110091 | 66.7% |
110769 | 84.6% |
111111 | 83.3% |
111455 | 88.2% |
111801 | 85.7% |
112149 | 66.7% |
112500 | 87.5% |
112852 | 81.8% |
113207 | 83.3% |
113924 | 75.0% |
114285 | 86.7% |
115384 | 84.6% |
116129 | 90.0% |
116504 | 66.7% |
116883 | 85.7% |
117647 | 88.2% |
118032 | 80.0% |
118421 | 87.5% |
118811 | 66.7% |
119601 | 85.7% |
120000 | 86.7% |
120401 | 84.6% |
121212 | 81.8% |
121621 | 87.5% |
122033 | 80.0% |
122448 | 85.7% |
123287 | 75.0% |
123711 | 66.7% |
124137 | 90.0% |
124567 | 88.2% |
125000 | 87.5% |
125435 | 85.7% |
125874 | 84.6% |
126315 | 86.7% |
126760 | 75.0% |
127659 | 83.3% |
128571 | 85.7% |
129032 | 88.9% |
130434 | 83.3% |
130909 | 81.8% |
131868 | 84.6% |
132352 | 88.2% |
133333 | 86.7% |
134328 | 75.0% |
134831 | 66.7% |
135338 | 85.7% |
135849 | 80.0% |
136363 | 83.3% |
137931 | 88.9% |
138461 | 84.6% |
138996 | 85.7% |
139534 | 83.3% |
140625 | 87.5% |
141176 | 88.2% |
142292 | 81.8% |
142857 | 85.7% |
144000 | 90.0% |
144578 | 66.7% |
145161 | 87.5% |
145748 | 84.6% |
146341 | 83.3% |
146938 | 85.7% |
147540 | 75.0% |
148148 | 88.9% |
148760 | 81.8% |
150000 | 87.5% |
151260 | 88.2% |
151898 | 66.7% |
152542 | 75.0% |
153191 | 80.0% |
153846 | 84.6% |
155172 | 87.5% |
155844 | 81.8% |
156521 | 90.0% |
157894 | 83.3% |
160000 | 86.7% |
160714 | 87.5% |
162162 | 83.3% |
162895 | 88.2% |
163636 | 81.8% |
164383 | 66.7% |
165898 | 85.7% |
166666 | 83.3% |
167441 | 80.0% |
169014 | 66.7% |
169811 | 75.0% |
171428 | 86.7% |
172248 | 81.8% |
173076 | 87.5% |
173913 | 88.9% |
175609 | 80.0% |
176470 | 88.2% |
177339 | 85.7% |
179104 | 66.7% |
180000 | 90.0% |
181818 | 81.8% |
183673 | 85.7% |
184615 | 86.7% |
187500 | 87.5% |
189473 | 90.0% |
190476 | 88.9% |
191489 | 75.0% |
192513 | 88.2% |
193548 | 83.3% |
194594 | 80.0% |
195652 | 87.5% |
196721 | 66.7% |
197802 | 85.7% |
200000 | 86.7% |
203389 | 66.7% |
204545 | 87.5% |
205714 | 85.7% |
206896 | 83.3% |
209302 | 75.0% |
210526 | 88.9% |
211764 | 88.2% |
213017 | 84.6% |
214285 | 85.7% |
218181 | 86.7% |
219512 | 75.0% |
222222 | 88.9% |
223602 | 85.7% |
225000 | 87.5% |
226415 | 66.7% |
230769 | 84.6% |
232258 | 80.0% |
233766 | 85.7% |
235294 | 88.2% |
236842 | 87.5% |
240000 | 86.7% |
243243 | 75.0% |
244897 | 85.7% |
248275 | 80.0% |
250000 | 87.5% |
251748 | 84.6% |
255319 | 66.7% |
257142 | 85.7% |
260869 | 83.3% |
264705 | 88.2% |
266666 | 86.7% |
270676 | 85.7% |
272727 | 83.3% |
276923 | 84.6% |
279069 | 66.7% |
281250 | 87.5% |
285714 | 85.7% |
288000 | 80.0% |
290322 | 75.0% |
292682 | 66.7% |
297520 | 81.8% |
300000 | 86.7% |
302521 | 88.2% |
307692 | 84.6% |
310344 | 75.0% |
313043 | 80.0% |
315789 | 83.3% |
321428 | 87.5% |
324324 | 66.7% |
327272 | 81.8% |
333333 | 83.3% |
342857 | 86.7% |
346153 | 84.6% |
352941 | 88.2% |
360000 | 90.0% |
363636 | 81.8% |
367346 | 85.7% |
375000 | 87.5% |
378947 | 80.0% |
387096 | 66.7% |
391304 | 75.0% |
395604 | 84.6% |
400000 | 86.7% |
409090 | 81.8% |
413793 | 66.7% |
423529 | 88.2% |
428571 | 85.7% |
444444 | 88.9% |
450000 | 87.5% |
461538 | 84.6% |
467532 | 81.8% |
473684 | 75.0% |
480000 | 86.7% |
500000 | 83.3% |
514285 | 85.7% |
521739 | 66.7% |
529411 | 88.2% |
545454 | 81.8% |
553846 | 84.6% |
562500 | 87.5% |
571428 | 88.9% |
600000 | 86.7% |
631578 | 66.7% |
642857 | 85.7% |
654545 | 81.8% |
666666 | 88.9% |
692307 | 84.6% |
705882 | 88.2% |
720000 | 90.0% |
734693 | 85.7% |
750000 | 87.5% |
800000 | 86.7% |
818181 | 81.8% |
857142 | 85.7% |
900000 | 90.0% |
923076 | 84.6% |
1000000 | 88.9% |
One method to connect to a CAN device with a large clock frequency bias is to use a logic analyzer to measure the actual bitrate and then pick the closest value from the table. Example measurement using Saleae Logic is shown on the screenshot:
The source code used to derive the table is attached. It is applicable to all devices based on the STMicroelectronics bxCAN macrocell or similar CAN controller implementations.
bxcan_timings.c++ (5.0 KB)